When you already know you want your 1on1 VIP Coaching Session, simply go here:

Once you have seen through superficial personal and business development

…you are ready for the real thing. Or for those that have not and want to not waste time, energy and money on a path that will not give the results they are looking for in eternity.

Perhaps surprisingly, business and partnership still exist in the deeper and fundamental realm that holds your full potential as a soul. Sometimes the ways of working even look like what you were used to.

Though everything is also essentially different, when you start to manifest your results from your core out. The way we do that, is attuned to the latest ascension happenings and is aligned with your souls divine core.

It leads to you making come true who you really are and getting active in your mission valid in eternal perspective. It activates and brings in: Your Abundance.

The work we represent guarantees you the partnership of Harmonious Twin Flame Union, that is your divine marriage, and reaching the financial vibration of Anchored Flowering Golden Flow, that is your optimal energy stream that makes everything possible.

In short, it is your Twin Flame Union and your Mission Business that will manifest.

My name is Petra. I help you open the ultimate potential that makes you be able to achieve the entire abundance of True Union & Flow.

Deep Into Your Topic

Sessions with the topics: Business, Artistry, Spiritual, Health, Writing. Initiations with the title: MultiDimensional Clearing, Hearing Source, Christ Consciousness Compassion, Creative ID, Key Holder. All in the light of leading edge manifestation within the true spiritual journey.

VIP Treatment

Your questions will be center stage. You will get ample private time to go over everything that is relevant for your now and future. We will zoom into your business growth, your spiritual path or your twin flame journey and in the understanding that all three are ultimately one. You’ll be able to make large strides after your session.

Access All Areas

Well… at least a lot of them, and exactly those that feel right for your situation and place on the journey. For many topics there is self created theory (and workbook), or our own book(s), or advised literature (from third parties) and in many cases I will be able to give them to you at the end of your session as service without extra cost.


Before your session, you prepare and I prep too: attunement with your soul and questions, prepping initiations and information if that seems asked for. But before that even, I’d love to hear where you’re at, and we will get a small chat to be able to get the whole process for you going!

Ask your Strategy Session to talk about the applicability for you:

Attune mind and energy to your abundance

01. Going deeper

Real steps in business, creative expression, relationships and the authentic spiritual (twin flame) journey, are always made in the inner world (first). Prep to allow inner lessons in and feel them through to completion.

02. Healing wounds

Every question, situation or stage in the spiritual journey is caused by wounding. Without this, we would be in the perfection and have every manifestation at the tip of our finger. No shame needed: it’s a matter of allowing the solution in during session.

03. Understanding

It’s good to get your thoughts ordered as to where you are, move towards, common pitfalls and what to expect. It’s really my specialty to be able to explain to you detailed and nuanced yet clearly, and answer your questions in the many topics.

04. Self love

Self love is not egotistical, but the self that is meant to become enriched is the soul self and – deeper then that – is the you that is divine love itself. Every answer will lead you here, because your question came from your lack thereof.

05. Truth is achievable

Contrary to popular belief truth is able to be reached: a great spiritual healer, not to say THE. In every business, artistic or twin flame question, seeing the truth is the solution to break through to your next level. Confronting yet loving: truth is your friend.

06. Create magic

Creating magic is in reality a matter of allowing miracles to take place. The first miracle always happens inside of yourself: your vision will change, through which reality will too. Then comes the action to form outer success.

Knowing the way in art, business, relationships and the spiritual journey comes from:

Failing. Then going the journey and doing everything it asks from me no matter the cost. It may sound intriguing to be able to pass on business structures for an entrepreneur or alone working professional, to know how to guide people to their true twin flame, to be able to guide people to their fitting and quality expression – and even being able to advise on health and food on the side. It did come from 20 years of study and trial and error for sure, then eventually being guided by the divine to the ultimate outcome. Now I pass that on. Eventually, all are connected in Truth & Love: expressing yourself in the deepest spiritual attunement creates the energy in which the True Twin Flame can come into your life, that cements your life’s Mission that you can start sharing as a business, meanwhile becoming healed, fit and healthy especially when you allow suggestions for that part also to be able to come through that exact and profound alignment. Art and beauty are a celebration of such achievements as well.

Apply for your Strategy Session NOW

to work out together what you could reach by taking part in Your Abundance at this time

…or learn more below about what it means to take allowing yourself to be guided to the next level.

Now is the best time to take up the challenge to accept the call to the genuine journey to Your Abundance. Because the *now* is the only place where you can make a step by going deeper & because this time in the ascension of the universe is a profound call. Anchoring your business in your mission that you organically share with your ultimate lover is the answer.

Watch the 33 min video by clicking.

Placing an investment in yourself

…always hits the mark, when you put it in the right kind of mastery to be reached. Remember the Zen story about the archer that went to a True Teacher because he wanted to perfect himself.

When he arrived at the remote village of the most famous archery teacher in the world, he started practicing 20 hours per day until perfection. “Can I leave now?” he asked the teacher but he was not released yet. He did not reach perfection yet.

So the archer practiced more and more until he gave up puzzled by what he did not do perfect yet. The technique was right, but the not-technique was not.

The archer realized he failed and retreated in the woods alone for a while. Then one day he felt ready to go home again and he went to the Master Archer to say farewell.

“Now you have reached it,” the Master proclaimed, “you can go.” Relieved at the prospect of returning to his home land and people, he shot one last arrow – and there it was: The Perfect Shot.


The spiritual depth of a true journey seems to not click with the idea of strategy, but the truth is that they certainly can coalesce. This strategy is no longer a manipulation, yet it is a way to quicken and strengthen the steps that need taken, to get full clarity as well. Intuitive yet ordered, the offer for providing you with the strategy to go towards your mission business and true twin flame is simply right here for you.


Healing and taking action are not an odd couple, as you will see when you embark on your journey and commit to it. In fact, inner healing paves the way to get into action and also shapes what the step to take will need to be. They are a necessary duo because the action crowns the healing executed: it is the result of the healing and expresses the newly healed state. This is how you create with lasting and eternal results.


Coaching through the Your Abundance opportunity will make you find a whole new source of power inside of you that will ignite as well and guide you forward. It may take multiple sessions, ample time and committing to using the provided tools to get at this place right in the middle of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual forces, and be propelled forward by it, but you can do it: it is innate in every human being!

See you soon! Love,

An additional option may be the year program Abundance NOW that starts soon!

Become active in our community on Facebook for tools, support, new friends and the free mini program.

Check out the video world of Creative Universe on YouTube also. Pick a card readings, explanations and more.

The bliss from the States of Being of Harmonious Union in your partnership and Golden Flow is your mission, is beyond anything you’ve ever experienced: it is the true goal and grand price in itself. People do everything to be able to feel better and ultimately strive for feeling real good, total bliss, at every second of their now. Every path you see people take, is because they believe that will be the one leading them there.

The direct path that will lead you there is however

The Ultimate Pleasure Path to Perfection

within the understanding that it is pleasurable to the soul (as opposed to the ego), and brings you from good feeling place to good feeling place with significant healing in between, as a matter of steps to take on that journey. In other words: it does not need to be hard and awful, however nobody can forego the dark night of the senses and the dark night of the soul, yet it can be guided such that you envision the ultimate result and already experience the inner precipitation of the pleasurable, heavenly life that will be the outcome of the Path.

You’ll be in your form, with mission driven money, partnered by the most precious partner, fully physically in Heaven.

Road to Union

Free Ebook

Learn about the Journey

This unique ebook gives you insight into the journey to Flow and Union, by following a traditional model.

Official Path

Buy the Book

our unique path

The main background about the Path we teach here, that coincides with the traditional journey plus the crown on it, is in this book.

Magic Start

Get the Free Starter Kit

Get going with the process

In the starter kit among others a long meditation audio and exercises.

Uniquely for the opportunity of introducing you to the Your Abundance sessions, I wrote this ebook that gives you an impression of what happens on the journey concerning consciousness, business and partnership.

The Divine has given lots of answers what this journey is about and how to walk it; what the natural context is and what we can expect in our collective future as well. That is described in this itinerary for the entire Path.

The starter kit contains among others a long guided meditation that refreshes your abundance energy and mindset completely, a 11 day course and a couple exercises useful to get yourself going. Value 224 Euro. Claim yours!

You will always get out of it, what you put into it and money is part of that. Understanding and living that you are worthy of big investments and specifically your own investment, is at the base of any successful person, entrepreneur and partner. In fact, you will get out of it a multitude of what you invest, when you involve the Divine into the equation, which is always applicable because that is where you come from. Eventually, money comes from the Divine as well, and the flow of it is endless; you just have got to learn to pump it up for the right reason and employ it for the just cause that is already knocking on your door to be healed into the whole of you. You can learn for the occasion to become a bit creative with how to get the money in a timely fashion available to you to be used for the right causes: perhaps you can take an extra money job, or make a contract with a source that has it available, employ a taxation construction that lets you use it as professional costs, maybe there is a fund for professional education of some sort to come to aid, or a financial service such as a credit card that can lend it to you for an okay fee, or simply cut and reallocate your current spending and understand that prioritizing is the art of investment everyone can use at their own daily life scale. Some only need to decide they are worthy of it and that will do the job. Investing in a Divinely connected opportunity will always work out for you.

We can discuss the applicability of your situation and question, in a Strategy Session that you can apply for in the form on this page. Buying your session will always start with a catch up as well, in the understanding we’ll have one of the two of these as that is generally speaking enough for an effective preparation that guarantees the best session for you. You can also have a look in the list of topics to see if it looks like your situation and question; when there is any doubt the Strategy Session will bring you clarification. Generally speaking, every question is ultimately about the relationship with the Self and with the Divine, is as such a spiritual development question, and can be brought light onto from that perspective, which will definitely give you what you are searching for. Of course, at the same time, there are certain areas of life we have experience with, researched scientifically, went through long coaching courses for and so on, and others that fall outside of that realm, and for this I again advice you the list op topics and the Strategy Session. Also, when applicable, there may be a redirection for you to work out certain elements or phases with a professional that is fit for that, that can be advised in the coaching relationship we have established. 

Yes. Our work gives concrete, physical, actual and real results you can touch and keep. It is real because the spiritual journey causes it to be sobered up beyond illusions and grounded in Heavenly actual earth, which means primarily the earthly real experience that feels real good. It will be permanent because everything is geared towards the physical result becoming real in spiritual Truth, so that it will remain here and accessible for you always, beyond (this) life. This has been tested and proven to work; results have transpired for clients that are exactly as described, however it has also been sometimes seen, that results have waned again when clients have left the reached consciousness place at their own volition, which also does not mean that one could not choose it again, do the work and arrive again at the eternal place. Results will be money and partnership in the light of feeling the ultimate way. These results will become available for you, when you do the work, persist and remain patient during the process at the same time. We guarantee the result to you because that is the consciousness we have established and received the teachership over from Life; you do the work necessary yourself and on your own volition.

One can only pass on the organically existing State of Being of Union (the consciousness state of Harmonious Union), in which the True Twin Flame appears and stays, when one is there themselves in a sustainable committed way. One can only pass on the ontologically existing State of Being of Flow (the consciousness state of Golden Flow), in which the Mission derived Soul Money inheritance is present and solidifies consistently, when one is there themselves in a harmoniously established way. This sets our school apart from all other coaching opportunities available in the world, except from the brother school we co-create with in spirit, because it is relatively scarce that this exists currently, as it is a spiritual achievement that is able to be lived fully and completely in physical life that belongs to the fruits of the Ascension that is the hallmark of the time of the Second Coming (or other names used in other cultures), that is playing out just now since only very recently (speaking in 2022). No matter if many people consider themselves on the way towards that, our decades long international experience teaches that it needs a purity to be able to be truthfully transmitted, as anyone can agree with such a description as a desire or utopia, while the practice of having executed the entire thing and being initiated to teach it as well, is a whole different game altogether.

While it is true that our school and thus coaching represents the Divine Feminine approach primarily, of the teaching that can also be approached from the Divine Masculine side, and the teacher is female, this does not necessarily mean students and coachees need to be female (at all). Rather, it could be seen as rather helpful for men to be guided by a woman in matters that would otherwise make them forego a certain peaceful energetic quality potentially; also, to see through the blocks in the journey towards their own Divine Feminine counterpart. The fact one may see relatively many female people around here, might be best seen in the light of that topics such as relationships and spirituality are generally speaking more something for females to easily be attracted by and acted upon in the context of online schooling and the activities provided. In practice however, there have in the past been more then half male customers, so don’t be mistaken. In any event, this was to give you an honest account about approaches to this question, to which the full answer thus in fact is: it is for women and for men.

Petra has been with me since near the beginning of my Twin Flame journey. She is truly a master of love and working with her has helped me learn and grow to that place of love and peace within myself. She has helped me find clarity through her guidance and compassion. All of this growth and guidance has helped me claim love deeper in every area of my life, which has led to miraculous things, including my Twin Flame Union. She is such a beautiful soul and allowed me to feel safe and peaceful with all of the guidance she has given me. I will be forever grateful for all of the love she has shared.

Brittany, on being guided for a couple of years, among which an official individual program of over half a year

Petra has guided me to look many times at the importance of a correct formulation of Mission and Vision and has offered many ideas. This stimulated me to continue to look at certain crucial elements and also very much to present them right to come across authentic and trustworthy. In other words: be your message. […] She brought me into contact with experienced professionals in my niche with whom I had the chance to consult as well. I experienced a very helpful and direct assistance of Petra.

Sjaak, on a series of business coaching sessions compiled to a program to support his new to be established project, the coaching also involved crowdfunding campaign strategy and support

Topics addressed in Business, Twin Flames, Spiritual Development

  • Values, Mission, Vision & Goals
  • Setting up a successful project

  • From artist to business (wo)man
  • From test projects to business
  • Co-creating in entrepreneurship
  • Roles necessary in entrepreneurship
  • How to sell your program, product
  • Spiritual sales: no manipulation
  • Strategies of marketing and money
  • How to build helping systems

  • How to ground legally, societally
  • Social media strategies
  • Team, coaching, leadership
  • Service for retaining clients
  • Entrepreneurship: coach, author, speaker, artist combo & MORE
  • Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine
  • The Divine nature of Twin Flames
  • Why desire the ultimate relationship
  • Illusion of running of the other
  • Overcoming the obstacles for Union
  • Tools and methods to heal Union
  • Harmonizing your being for success
  • Solving blocks between Union&Source
  • What it means to live in Union/Heaven
  • Distinguishing between false & true
  • Help in finding your True Twin Flame
  • Dispelling toxic Twin Flame nonsense

  • Receiving the blessing to go all in
  • Prepping for the practical new life
  • Integrating all soul lessons once one is in Harmonious Union & MORE
  • Starting the journey up in freedom
  • Making steps on your own volition
  • Necessary tools and methods
  • Going deeper to build
  • Need to feel ones feelings fully
  • Role of Truth and intelligence
  • Resetting & letting go as virtues
  • The real you & how it will surface
  • Personal & spiritual development
  • Divine Mind & its counterpart Energy
  • Money & Romance integration
  • The journey as the Divine Romance
  • Healing your energy body
  • Awakening to ones Union Mission

  • Overcoming deeply rooted psychological issues & MORE

These may look like very different matters, yet they are completely connected through your Life Mission that vibrates on the Twin Flame frequency and comes to life through building your entrepreneurship.

Both (or: all three, or: this One thing) is in the baseline worked at with only one spiritual transformation tool and that is KEY. KEY consists of 4 questions you ask yourself genuinely while feeling your actual feelings:

  1. What is my upset?
  2. Translate it to: I want: …
  3. What is my longing here?
  4. I claim it as my quality

How to really do this in the right way, is extensively explained in our blog and on our social media: Personal Facebook, Instagram, Business Page Facebook, Creative Universe Facebook, Creative City Facebook (for events).

The best resources are in our online community Your Abundance on Facebook. KEY alone, is guided in (smaller) coaching sessions that can be booked from this group (KEY will also be underlying of what we do here).

They can be perfectly combined with the official VIP Coaching Sessions, in which we go deep, exchange loads more background, undergo initiations, lay your hands on further reaching theory and workbook material and more.

Through doing the KEY tool consistently, one eventually gets to understand their Creative ID in other words their divine identity, who you are in the light of your ultimate development, and this then becomes the backbone of building your ultimate life.

To bring some playfulness and at the same time order in the topic of your Creative ID, there are 4 main types that your unique one may vibe together with. You can find yours that at least currently collides with you in the quiz!

There is a powerful Starter Kit available for you. It holds a short course on how to acknowledge yourself in the full way that is necessary for development of the True Twin Flame. And a complete course in how to – pretty magically! – get attuned to manifest your money x1111 with supernatural help.

In our blog called Reset, you will find articles on the topics discussed and the spiritual backgrounds too. It all stems from the alignment with the new crowning layer available in the universe since not too long. People will call it many names such as ascension, dimension, density or the second coming.

Petra is very clear about complex situations and challenges. She had a de-stressing impact on me. Her clarifications are always detailed and understandable. Past few months I learned a lot about what is needed for an entrepreneurship on the basis of myself and at the same time high business level. That wasn’t always easy, but eventually I was able to make some essential and break through decisions on both business and personal level.
A business coachee, from the innovative and completely newly born, international cryptocurrency scene in 2017

Wow… really beautiful… thank you so much dear Petra. I am lost for words because of it. The days after I had the online Coaching Session experienced with you, I noticed that my nausea and my head ache was gone. Also, that I felt so much more powerful in my ‘being’. Very special that the color light blue reappeared in the reading! The number 7 (my favorite number) was also a great surprise. I will read the Creative ID Reading again a couple of times the coming period… to have this also landed more inside myself. It is very deep what I read in it. Tangible. Touches my soul, is what I feel.

Lorraine, on a Coaching Session and a Creative ID Reading in 2020
Your Abundance is already alive

Ask your free Strategy Session:

I’m looking forward to our co-creation.


Buy your (non-member) Coaching Session directly:

Or buy your AN Member Coaching Session here and NOTE that everyone can buy this less expensive version right now until Jan 1st 2025:

Ground yourself in what you are learning

To ground yourself in your Twin Flame Union and/or Mission Business, I advice you to make an investment that reflects that. This would mean a package of 3 sessions. You would be able to take in a big amount of energy and knowledge in this way and digest it much better. Therefore, I have made these packages, that have an extra value added in the package form.

VIP Twin Flame Sessions in this package, beside with what is described before, additionally come with a healing with the Divine Angels that especially have decided to work with our Twin Flame work here. They will heal you after each session and I will send you a report of what they healed too. The sessions are scheduled monthly; this is a 3 month program.

3 VIP Sessions: not 2391 Euro normal price, not 1194 Euro with current savings and for non-AN-members, but instead 1111 Euro ex VAT – 1344 Euro incl. 21% VAT. You are responsible for yourself. No refunds. Read the section called Good to know on our info page for full terms and conditions for this service. Click the picture to buy. Your confirmation email will be send to your PayPal email upon buying. Then we schedule.

3 VIP Sessions for AN Members: not 2391 Euro normal price, not 591 Euro with current savings and for members, but instead 555 Euro ex VAT – 672 Euro incl. 21% VAT. You are responsible for yourself. No refunds. Read the section called Good to know on our info page for full terms and conditions for this service. Click the picture to buy. Your confirmation email will be send to your PayPal email upon buying. Then we schedule.

VIP Mission Business Sessions come with the full business building book with theory and workbook, that in itself stands for a business course that could be sold for thousands. Additionally, I will gift you a Masters Reading about the content of your Mission and how to deepen that. The sessions are scheduled monthly; this is a 3 month program.

3 VIP Sessions: not 2391 Euro normal price, not 1194 Euro with current savings and for non-AN-members, but instead 1111 Euro ex VAT – 1344 Euro incl. 21% VAT. You are responsible for yourself. No refunds. Read the section called Good to know on our info page for full terms and conditions for this service. Click the picture to buy. Your confirmation email will be send to your PayPal email upon buying. Then we schedule.

3 VIP Sessions for AN Members: not 2391 Euro normal price, not 591 Euro with current savings and for members, but instead 555 Euro ex VAT – 672 Euro incl. 21% VAT. You are responsible for yourself. No refunds. Read the section called Good to know on our info page for full terms and conditions for this service. Click the picture to buy. Your confirmation email will be send to your PayPal email upon buying. Then we schedule.

VIP Initiation Sessions apply the first three initiations to you. MultiDimensional Clearing: reset your energy. Hearing Source: become open to Divine Messages. Christ Consciousness Compassion: connect to true compassion. Additionally, there is healing with the Divine Angels, plus it is the door for the later two in which you can become a Creation Coach with us. The sessions are scheduled monthly; this is a 3 month program.

3 VIP Sessions for AN Members: not 2391 Euro normal price, not 591 Euro with current savings and for members, but instead 555 Euro ex VAT – 672 Euro incl. 21% VAT. You are responsible for yourself. No refunds. Read the section called Good to know on our info page for full terms and conditions for this service. Click the picture to buy. Your confirmation email will be send to your PayPal email upon buying. Then we schedule.