This is your Twin Flame program that will give you the brilliance to shine in Harmonious Union.
Dear friend,
I am looking for the right candidate to work with me in 2024 for a longer period of time, approximately 6 months. I desire to pass on some crucial deeper Twin Flame work, important initiations and the start of your Mission Business. Therefore, I made this package, that encompasses everything that I have worked for a decade on, and tested out with clients to be found legit for reaching Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
You will experience deep inner work and feel the start of a new initiative inside of yourself, that will bring your Union out and everything that belongs to it. Your being and energy will become completely worked through and prepared for a smooth start of your actual Harmonious Union and we will witness together how that will play out for you, also afterwards this intensive 6 month period. It is a relationship that you are starting here and you do that in a profound way.
I’d like you to start with receiving the Twin Flame Reset VIP Session. This is a way to redo your alignment with the Divine and thus your True Twin Flame. It is subtle; we’ll work thorough your 9 point Twin Flame energy system and reorganize it in Divine Light with the Source Magic order, and make new choices plus decree your Union to be erected. This re-alignment will start to emerge in your life afterwards in a variety of ways, that you’ll have to say Yes to every time a change will show itself.
Then I desire for you to receive the first initiation that is geared towards a deepening of your invisible clearing process, where extra attention is needed. I share specific clearing of a curse that is occurring much in the Western world that keeps you from being able to reunite with your One True Love and that keeps you apart from your spiritual integrity. Most everyone that is attracted to me, needs in fact this clearing; that’s why you’ve come to me.
The second and third initiation will follow and they are respectively about hearing the Divine speak to you with your inner ears and stopping manipulating yourself, which is often done in subtle yet pervasive ways. This clears you out further to be able to get another attunement in your sense of identity; one that is fit for your Harmonious Twin Flame Union. I do pass on 2 more initiations but they can not be bought in this kind of way really.
I’d like to then start to work with you on your Mission 2 times. This is the gift that is present inside your Union and will be the way you will exude the unconditional Divine Love. You can start to try that out, even when not in Harmonious Union yet, and also start to prepare for supporting yourself in it by building the required entrepreneurial structures for it. But first, we’ll also re-align you, just like we did in the Twin Flame Reset Session, so it’s spiritually sound.
The second Mission session could also be a book writing session or an artists session, two fields of action that I am also particularly geared towards in my profession, besides being a business coach as well. There is extensive theory plus workbook about all these topics for you.
All of this means that you’ll be receiving 6 sessions of 2 hours duration, that are also prepared by a lot of work AND are followed up by inner work plus theory on paper and workbooks etc. These are large spiritual steps that build you up in a new way from the inside out. I’d like to interweave the rhythm of receiving these large sessions, with the opportunity for you to do inner work with me in 12 small sessions, called KEY Sessions, named after the Twin Flame inner work tool.
- 6 VIP Sessions
- 12 KEY Sessions
- VIP 1 per month, KEY 1 per 14 days: program of 6 months alternating 2 KEY sessions and 1 VIP session monthly
Let me explain the build-up of the price for you.
VIP Sessions cost 398 Euro per session excl. VAT as published here
For 6 sessions that is 2388 Euro excl. VAT
KEY Sessions normal price excl. for group members 66 Euro per session excl. VAT as published here
For 12 sessions that is 792 Euro excl. VAT
Totalling at 3180 excl. VAT
The current deal for VIP Sessions is valid, and that means 1111 Euro for 3 Sessions as published here, meaning 2222 Euro for 6
And I can offer you the 12 KEY Sessions part of the package for the same action price as it has been sold last fall, which is 650 Euro
That gives us a pricing of 2222 + 650 = 2872 Euro excl. VAT
But that can be made cheaper as well, I felt, and we’ll let it land at 2555 Euro excl. VAT instead
I need to add VAT to that number, which in my country needs to legally be 21%
But I bet you can level that out with your own taxes, find out how
Also take into account that you probably can settle the entire sum with your taxes under the topic of educational costs
This will make the total price land at 3091 Euro incl. VAT
Total value is estimated at 5000 Euro, because the Your Abundance group membership is valued at over 2000 Euro annually, because of the 4 events per month and the option to get more support is there continually too, just like the KEY material.
Corresponding privately in between sessions, is valued in this equation too, at around 500 Euro, because some people may ask a question and I may answer, but specifically being indicated as a person that can correspond with me is of course a huge difference: you can ask your questions as they arrive and get answers.
You’ll need to be in our Facebook community Your Abundance to take part fully:
There is only 1 place to fill: the first that pays.
You pay via PayPal. You are responsible for yourself. No refunds.
On this offer, the conditions are applicable mentioned under ‘Good to know’, on this page.
Please, first ask for your Strategy Session to discuss with me the applicability of this program to you.
Here is your 1-click buy link for when we agreed on working together, click the Golden Diamond:
I will confirm you in an email, send to the mail address that is connected to your PayPal and will initiate scheduling.
See you soon!