You are very welcome to your KEY Session in which we do your inner work and discuss your questions. These are really no-nonsense, short and sweet online video call appointments of 50 minutes. They function perfectly in tandem with an active membership of the community Your Abundance on Facebook, and they are also exclusively for members.

A great advantage of doing your current KEY inner work under guidance is, that you are free to completely feel, focus on your progress and discuss questions too. You’ll be able to get into your blind spots and love yourself 360 degrees to completion. Booking 4 sessions per month will speed up your journey significantly, but even 1 per month consistently will enlighten your path to a great extend.


More testimonials here.


How it works is: pay, make an appointment and meet.

Terms are pretty straightforward:

  • first you pay and (only) then the appointment we make is official
  • no refunds
  • not on time for over 10 minutes? session falls through
  • late time will not be added at the end of session, it will end as scheduled
  • all terms on the info page under Good to Know
  • pay through PayPal (what is PayPal?)


Current value is 200 Euro. You can get this unique service for 66 Euro through PayPal by clicking right here. Your appointment proposal is coming to your mail real soon on the mail address of your PayPal account.

If you want to, you can add a couple of sentences about your question by writing them to, but that is not strictly necessary.

My advice is to gift yourself 4 sessions per month (1 per week), so that your journey will significantly quicken. Therefore, this is your best option that takes a little off the price as well (250 Euro), click the KEY button:

But should you want to commit for 3 months, I give you off a little more (700 Euro), while you guarantee yourself an ongoing development. Click the blooming KEY picture:


See you soon!



PS This is a deeply necessary service that will be able to help you forward tremendously. Should you however desire a session in which the healing power is even more profound, in which there is strategy to discuss, in which there is a combination with business development and/or twin flame instruction, in which there can be given initiations and after which there will be given educational material to continue to work with for long, plus has aftercare available, then you are invited to check out this page about VIP Sessions.