Twin Flame Love is water. It is a feeling flow that moves through you in an infinite movement that nourishes you and cradles your innermost core. Its flow starts directly inside the Source of all and ends up first in your heart, then it spreads over your energy field and it is expressed in your Union, then the broader world.
That sounds beautiful but it is importantly not a metaphor. Before you know it, people believe that this is all about a play of words alone: beautiful but at the end of the day meaningless. And many have thought that! Revealing who they are: beings unconnected to the Truth of life itself. Sad, disconnected and depressed – but perhaps doing as if that is not so.
That is also because Twin Flame Love is for everyone. It is not an elitist experience, it is very democratic, but it behaves in ways that is dependent on if you invite the clatter in or not. Sometimes we don’t know yet how to consciously receive it, because we have been entrained in leaving it out. Then that’s what we work on: take away the rocks and blocks out of the stream.
Twin Flame Love water will always flow to the lowest point. It wants to manifest on earth below. Not stay in heavenly realms (alone). It is through you that the water of Union can make its deepest wish come true. Work together with the waters of love and let it flow. Every second it moves a little further is a miracle in the making.
Twin Flame Love is air. It is an entirely original thought in the most literal meaning of the word: being a Twin Flame is your original being for everyone but this is as “an idea” not very well known. It is admittedly a rather strange recognition that we are not connected to our nature, and it is largely so because it is about our invisible inner nature.
Would you define yourself as a body, born from the ash of earth? Or would you say that there is a core in you that is not born, not dying even, that is your actual being? Would in that latter one, your original nature possibly be that you are one with your counterpart that is the complementary expression of your core? As the Divine feminine and the Divine Masculine that are together Union?
Well, the way it was described, you could’ve guessed it: this is the Truth of your being. It is right to say that you are an idea in the mind of the Divine, in this vein. A thought in God. The Word itself, event hough that is usually only said about a very holy example of humanity that broke through the inner barriers and united his mind with God. What if that’s for us too?
Yeah, it is. Indeed. Being with your Twin Flame on earth now, means being on the way to that. This is also why it makes you so happy. Joyful beyond words. The air you breathe will be only love. Your thoughts will purify to match that also. To say it is a breath of fresh air in a world full of fakery is the understatement of the century for sure.
Twin Flame Love is fire. It is hottest heat in your heart you can imagine and it is yours also when you haven’t experienced it yet. It scorches your hate and your anger and fear, it burns up your negative thinking and your inner insecurity. Its flames eat everything that is not congruent with perfect love over time. It may start eating in you, when you read this.
Be glad you are purified by a force inside yourself, welcome it in, as it makes being with them, when they finally for the last time arrive, safe and sustainable. Union cannot work for ego’s and that is then indeed the wood that will be swallowed by the flames. Be glad it goes and embrace the love that appears within as a result.
This is the way to the Twin Flame that works.
Twin Flame Love is earth. Contrary to what it seems to look like to so some people that deem themselves to be very grounded, Twin Flame Love results in actual, physical, material, manifested, real results that everyone can feel are good, orderly, sane, healthy. You just sense it! It is unmistakable and penetrates everyones consciousness that this is so, skeptics and believers alike.
Contrary to general belief, we all live at the bottom experience of the spiritual world; that is after all where the atmosphere is sobered up. It can be said that the journey towards it means traveling through all your emotions and feelings indeed, but once there: the eye of the storm! Absolute stillness and truth. In comparison your average person lives drunk of their ideas and emotions while believing he is sane.
This is also why Twin Flame Love is forever and steady and true. Nothing to not want is here!
Twin Flame Love is ether. It is the quintessential element of life, humanity, the world, the universe. Without it, there is no real value in everything we do and are; it just seems that way because of ego culture that puts prices on everything and favors this over that. But inherent value, just because of beingness, that is something the ego and world cannot touch, because it sees it not.
You can start to see it now. You can start to become aware of the ether in society, the untouched real value of life, locate it and highlight it, or rather live it, wherever you are in the manifested world, so that that what was invisible but True, gets its rightful place. That is you stepping forward for how you are meant to be: the True You takes shape through this emancipation as well.
You are meant to be in Union with your Twin Flame and so does every other being in the universe. You take the lead.
Twin Flame Love is water. It is essential for your health, sanity, hydration on all levels and for that of the earth as well. Without it, you’ll be devoid of that foundational sustenance. You’ll dry out and will be sitting in your sad lonely desert of pain endlessly.
That’s not to be dramatic. It’s simply reality – and for those that still believe they are pretty happy without, they have no connection with their true self and live through a false one in every area of life, creating so called what they want but living outside of reality with their fantasy.
Fantasy cannot truly bring happiness. Fake happiness: sure! Does that sustain you? Your ego, but not the real you. Are you so much entrained into the ego that all semblance of the real you has disappeared? Possibly. But not to worry, you can turn around and start the journey towards your true water colors.
You might be closer than you think, when you allow the shortcut that is the KEY tool, the consciousness state of Harmonious Union that is born from doing it and now first this Love Game as a mild and beautiful introduction to it all.
Twin Flame Love is air. It orders your thoughts in an entirely new way. Gone are the days filled with logic reasonings on the base of the worlds ego-personality ways; while the immense power of the logic of spirit starts to blow in, bringing you the eternal Truth extended into any worldly topic: health, money, family, business, creativity… name it.
Because it is Twin Flame Love, it doesn’t mean that there is no order to it. It doesn’t mean there are no laws that govern its behavior. It doesn’t mean that there is no grounded Truth that can be shared and even judged about it. There actually is! This may be for some the biggest surprise…
This love is not without rules in a sense. But they are the rules of unconditional Divine Love! These rules are transformative and bring you in a timeless place of forever adoration of the core of what is valuable about humanity. And then adjusted for uniquely your Union with your lovey-dovey Twin Flame.
Some have gained trauma earlier in life, through which it now seems impossible to see love as within the realm of rules. They may feel abused by Twin Flame Love when they truly get to know it because it is not random nor does it listen to your personality. But everyone can even clear the deepest trauma and start to experience the orderly thoughts of Twin Flames as LOVE indeed. This love itself is what eventually clears you!
Twin Flame Love is fire. It is as sure as the sun dawns in the morning that you have a Twin Flame. It is simply what you are, no matter if you are against it or are obsessed with it. And this means that on the fundamental level you ARE burning, in spirit, together with them, forever. You have no choice in who it even is as well.
Are you scared away from the topic yet? No? Good. Because you’d only be working against yourself, become your very own saboteur. But it has to be chosen actively still nevertheless, when you want to live this reality in the flesh. Which would lead to true joy and your abundance flowing towards you so who wouldn’t want to choose it?!
The choosing then needs to become backed up by doing the inner work with the KEY tool, continually; this at least guarantees you can be with them right now and walk together hand in hand the rest of your journey. More and more people feel the call to do so in their hearts at this time and that is because it is the Universes agenda to make come true as the leading edge of spirituality and thus life at this time.
You are now part of it. Knowing this will be the spark that has touched you already even when you didn’t want it. It will set you ablaze one day and make it all real and physical. Congratulations!
Twin Flame Love is earth. It means taking care of yourself, nourishing your physical life with the quality of attention and fullness of charity of spirit. It means seeing what it is you really need instead of what your ego needs or denying you need anything. It means to answer all of that yourself.
That means to connect yourself back to your Source to have everything come in that you need and then let it flow into what is so thirsty and hungry inside of you. Should that involve action in the world, then you do those too, but many times it actually does mostly consist of letting the right kind of love flow to the right places.
This rich process of letting everything you are on earth become filled up with unconditional love will take you over when you do the Twin Flame love process correctly. It will make everything fall onto its correct place inside of you and form an immovable ground that is commitment itself. The beauty of this life that is growing here in Heaven on earth is indeed: heavenly!
Twin Flame Love is ether. And ether is the often mythological but also actual substance of the atmosphere of the heart. Everything heart based is precious because it is the home of True Love. The heart is the door through which heaven is entered and ether is the smoke that entices you through it.
Because it smells so good, because it tastes like more, because it is exactly what you’ve been longing for all along – and rightly so! It is the answer to the promise felt in stories and fairytales. Now, the revelation is that you can actively choose this – and why not, you are free…
So today you are invited to choose the heart without any holdback. For some this is the big taboo step to take because they’ve been raised to deny the possibility of love – which is pretty much a picture of our general societies attitude. But love is real and it is safe to follow its lead. Let it write your story itself!
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