Dear friend,

Reaching Harmonious Twin Flame Union the consciousness state is really the secret to a sustainable, joyful and real result that anyone on the Twin Flame journey would desire if they would know at the beginning of their path what they will know beyond the ending of it.

This makes everything possible that now seems far away from realistically manifesting because you work on what precipitates physical reality, essentially (re-)coding your outcome in the invisible meta world behind the scenes of earth, body and the romantic dinner you are aiming at.

This is able to be reached with executing the one and only correct Twin Flame inner work, applied with persistence, patience and precision. Many experience this in the beginning as tedious or even irrelevant because the drama in the social world is so overwhelming and seems to need something else!

To that my answer is: I understand.

I also come from lots of social emotions between my True Twin Flame and myself, even after union and into my Harmonious Union! I speak about how this happened and what I experienced in my personal letter to you in the Starter Kit, that beside also contains an hour long healing meditation and an 11 day course that preps you for Mission (a secret pillar of Twin Flame work not much talked about!).

You can easily claim your Starter Kit right RIGHT HERE. 🔥🔥

Now, inside of it, I do not yet introduce the actual Twin Flame inner work, that focusses itself in 1 tool, that I titled KEY – of course because it will unlock your Union to a truly successful experience (guaranteed!). I do want you to start doing it, however. It is not difficult, it only consists of 4 steps, but it will need to be matured inside of you through practice.

You can find the best resource for starting this practice up in Facebook community Your Abundance. 🔥🔥

In it, you’ll find video’s, posts when you search via the groups (not Facebooks general) search bar with #key, downloads when you move to the file section tab, live events and more – all about KEY Twin Flame inner work. It is a support group, so for sure actually ask for that, too.

The KEY tool itself is also supported, by the Creative ID energy system. I explain it in the Green Book Nine Entrances to Conscious Creativity but I will also open for you an exclusive peak into actually working with it in a series of healing meditations.

Take a self care day off and go through the entire Source Code Magic formula in energy healings in THIS EXCLUSIVE VIDEO. 🔥🔥

Now we speak of granting yourself an energy healing, what about a super short refresher of the core of Unions deep energy cleanse? This is possible in the 4 minute recalibrating practice that I share RIGHT HERE. Incorporate it into your morning rituals! 🔥🔥

This recalibration points to the fact that Twin Flame Union always opens the door to your Abundance, which is energy, health, wealth, support, resources and so forth. It always starts in you embodying this invisibly. That’s what the 5 minutes are for.

When refreshed to the core, perhaps you’d like to meet me, so we can discuss how I can help you. This is possible in your Strategy Session.

Ask yours HERE. 🔥🔥

See you in Twin Flame Abundance real soon then!
