Christed Masters supporting Union

Community members more and more spontaneously connect with the consciousness of the Christed Masters these days, and Jesus and Mary Magdalene are very famous in that group. They are intimately connected with guiding the unfoldment of Harmonious Twin Flame Union on earth right now. Also, personally I do work with them, as I have exchanged [...]

By |2024-05-12T16:23:46+00:00May 10th, 2024|about us, love, magic|0 Comments

Vibration + Relating = Highway to Harmonious 🔥🔥 Union

Recent real life experiences that I had as a Twin Flame spiritual teacher, have clearly indicated, that there is a formula to your success in moving towards your Harmonious Union. That success formula is, we learned, that you need vibration + relating both. I would like you know more about what this means, so the [...]

By |2024-05-08T17:48:00+00:00April 26th, 2024|about us, love, money|0 Comments

Twin Flame EASTER 🔥🔥🍎 online events

Upcoming Easter weekend, you are invited to go deeper in your Twin Flame journey. I conceived of 3 excellent events for you, that can be perfectly combined, to make the most out of that. Let’s study, heal and meet each other! See you soon. Love, Petra. 5 min VIDEO EXPLANATION:   🍎 Automatic Distant [...]

By |2024-05-08T17:48:53+00:00March 27th, 2024|about us|0 Comments

Call in your Harmonious Union 🔥🔥 totally possible

  Dear friends, Wow! This year started profound here, in the Twin Flame department. In our online community, we had 2 cases of people having reached the state of consciousness of Harmonious Twin Flame Union, that it is all about. TWO! Bam. In our social media outreach, in YouTube video's this has been discussed by [...]

By |2024-05-08T17:49:09+00:00March 27th, 2024|about us, love, magic|0 Comments


To have a happy Twin Flame Christmas, allow yourself to feel the Light inside of you and let it be reborn in your body, communication and actions. When that would mean a silent meditative time, then perfect! It for you that means opening your heart through whatever you’re actively doing, then perfect! Twin Flames are [...]

By |2024-05-08T17:51:12+00:00December 19th, 2023|about us, magic|0 Comments
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