Thank you for having visited me in the Twin Flame Xchange!
For you I have 3 surprises. The first two are unique Twin Flame resources. The third is a proposal for a follow up meeting, if you want to. Hadn’t want that? Then pass over it and only make use of the first 2 if they sound good to you.
Read The Full Twin Flame Truth
This is a long blog about the Truth about Twin Flame Union 🔥🔥: https://www.CreativeUniverse.EARTH/ReachTwinFlameUnion. You can access it with this password: EverythingTwinFlamesNOW. This is a fairly new production of mine that I’ve shared with very little people yet. It is not accessible for others.
Twin Flame Union Checklist
Here you can download a checklist for Twin Flame Union 🔥🔥: Twin Flame Checklist. This is an entirely new product of mine, that has not been given to anyone yet.
Our Next Meeting
I normally give the same length Twin Flame 🔥🔥 sessions for inner work and discussing questions, to Your Abundance Facebook group members exclusively, for 66 Euro. They are called KEY Sessions and here you’ll find the original offer. I advise to take them weekly, but even once a month would already be such a support that you can give yourself.
For you, the first session you book in this format, now after the Twin Flame Xchange, will cost you only half of the price, 33 Euro, with no obligation to continue anything afterwards. Of course it will now be solely focussed at your journey, questions and inner work and exclude mine.
Book yours right now in this PayPal link: Because this is closely connected to our Facebook community Your Abundance, where you can find loads of extra support and free healing content, you will need to become a member too when you continue these kind of meetings: But when you are not a member and really don’t want to become one, you will still be able to have your half price try-out session. I will send you a confirmation with the email that is linked to your PayPal plus a proposal for a meeting day and time.
See you soon!
I host a short webinar soon that holds an amazing deal on working together in a series of meetings. If you’d want to make sure your webinar seat is reserved, because they are limited to only 6 per webinar, then sign up here now: